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Platform Lift Measurement

Image Management, LLC Platform Lift Questionnaire & Measurement Worksheet
This worksheet/questionnaire is for a vertical platform lift -- also known as a VPL, porch lift, wheelchair lift, etc. You can also download this Measurement Worksheet as a one-page PDF. Use this document to gather some project specs and contact us to discuss.
Contact Info/Location of project
- Name: _______________________________________________
- Project Address: ___________________________________________
- Phone: ________________________________________________
- Email: ________________________________________________
Time Frame/Preferences:
- When do you anticipate needing the lift? ________________________________________________
- Preference: Purchase new? Purchase Used? Rent? __________________________________________
- If rental, how long do you anticipate needing the lift? ______________________________________
Rider and Stairway Info:
- Rider? Approximate weight of heaviest rider? _____________ lbs
Does the rider use a power/wheel chair? ___________________ - Is your site indoors, in-garage or outdoors? _________________
- Is your site residential or commercial? ____________________
- What is the needed height for your lift? See diagram at right. _______________
- Does installation location have 120VAC power nearby? ___________________
- What are the dimensions of upper landing/porch? _____________________
- Does lower landing location already have concrete pad? __________________
- Describe planned location.
(Ex. From garage floor to entry of house, from ground to porch/deck, etc.)
________________________________________________________________ - Describe the upper and lower landing.
(Current location of steps, obstructions, etc.)
If you can, take a few pictures of your site – from multiple angles, showing doorway/threshold, showing existing stairs,showing any obstructions, etc.
Scan or take a picture of both pages of this document and send this document and any pictures to or you can text them to nine-one-nine-522-0538.
Anything else you’d like us to know?